Friday, March 25, 2011

Cheetos and James Franco.

Ok, so no. There is no connection between Cheetos and James Franco except for the fact that I'm eating my second Cheetos Flamin' Hot Limón Crunchy of the week and watching James Franco's video, so if you think there is a connection between them, fine, keep it yourself!

But anyway, I think I have a serious trouble with Cheetos right now since I cannot get out of the trap and properly will buy a third medium sized bag tomorrow or something. It's just so good you have to try at least one piece of it.


Move on to James Franco. I was literally laughed when I was watching this:

Speaking out of James Franco, Nigahiga just posted his new Off The Pill today and it has been the best video after Fart and I just love it hahahah See, I'm so pop!

Get back to inspiration genre since this post is supposed to be my inspiration, here is the new campaign video for Mulberry's Spring - Summer 2011 by Tim Walker. It is such a gorgeous and elegant video clip.

And at last is the artwork from David Carson for Raygun and Blah Blah Blah. I have to say that I'm in love with the magazine's typography and images' tone.


Recently I want to do 30 day song challenge so bad. It seems so much fun but then I would properly end up posting music at 2am in the morning on the next day... or 2am that day.

Also, I'm actually stuck right at the first day, my favorite song. Come on, we all know that I don't have a favorite song!!!

Oh well, goodnight for now. Sleep tight everybody. Finally it's weekend ❤

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